Friends of 7lilies

Below is a list of friends of mine or charities that I support

Embrace  A very dear friend who is great when needing a sports massage!

Rabbit Welfare Association Their main Campaign ‘A hutch is not enough’

For the Love of Parsley A Bunny Whisperer/tamer.. someone who will help translate those little bunnyisms in to our understanding

Make Mine Chocolate Best campaign for Easter, another reason to buy those lovely CHOCOLATE bunnies 🙂

Bunnyhugga A place to help you learn how to hug bunnies? Nope another informative friendly bunch of people helping us bunny owners understand what our guys are saying

Barc – I’ve just found them, they are near us and well… you’ll know where any new bunsters come from 😉

Contact Me: For more information or to discuss what 7lilies can do for you, give me a call on: 07975717341